So many pleats, so much time.

Perhaps, "She found satisfaction in the details." should be my epitaph some day. It took all week, but I have the German-style skirt done, with its accompanying pregnancy expansion vents.

Cartridge pleating is a great deal of work, but entirely worth it. They are designed to get a great deal of fabric into a very small area. In this case 224" into a 26" waistband. Because the pleats are abutted to the waistband they also stand away from the waist, really showing off all the volume.
Eide's skirt is a really pretty pumpkin colored silk blend. She is hard on her costuming, so I flatlined it with a loden colored cotton blend. This meant that I got to tack all the seams to the inside by hand as well as the hem. All this hand work means this skirt took forever!

This skirt and her partlet on currently on their way to Texas. I believe Eide will be debuting her new skirt at Scarborough Fair on Memorial Day weekend. If you see her get pictures!
Next week, is finishing the elliptical hoop, petticoat, chemise and corset. Must get the next set of measurements to make bodices!