More Wedding Pictures and a Contest

I've been a busy girl lately. There is much sewing, of course, but I also had time to go to the opening of a play my husband directed, and participate in Your Wardrobe Unlock'd's Double Period Pattern Project. A week ago I won my category, of Best Experienced Naturalform Dress, with my wedding dress, and tomorrow we find out who won the over best of show! There are only five of us, and everything is really fabulous. I am so excited.

Today, Clay got up some of the "Official Wedding" pictures! The color is really spectacular, and he says I should have the rest by next weekend! Yea! I can't wait to see them. Then I can finally have some copies made and sent off to relatives who couldn't come. It is already a great week, and it is only Monday.
There is about to be a lot of activity on the Tim's Fancy Pants project. Have to have that done before I leave for GA at the end of the month.
What am I typing for, back to sewing.