The Great Dickens Sewing Marathon of over...-ish 1870's, Costumery, Dickens, NaturalForm, Victorian, sewingKelly CochranDecember 4, 2012Bustle, dickens on the strand, naturalform, portfolio, victorian sewing Comments
Etsy, interesting 1860's, 1870's, Costumery, Victorian, underpinningsKelly CochranDecember 10, 2010Bustle, DeeanneGist hoop victorian trousseau, trousseauComment
Better Late than Never! 1870's, Costumery, Dickens, Victorian, sewingKelly CochranApril 6, 2010Bustle, Delaenya, sketch, stripes, velvet Comments
Just thought I'd mention finishing the Un-mentionables, and an Update Read More 1880's, Costumery, Design, Dickens, Hats, Victorian, underpinningsKelly CochranMay 16, 2008Bustle, SThonpson, buckles, stripes, trousseau, velvet, woolComment